
It's Dark and Lonely in Here Guys

This dragon is super dark and wet inside, and doesn't contain much in the way of respectable company. I've gotten a little lonely. Luckily I found the dragon's flarynx and was able to start a torch. I've been making shadow puppets on his stomach lining for like an hour now, but Mr. Bunny and Ms. Snake got in a fight. The skeleton of the last guy this dragon ate didn't seem amused, so I stopped and now I'm all alone again.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you see a glowing dragon, help?



  1. Dang. You know I passed one the other day on my way to work. I thought, 'huh, how weird, a glowing dragon.' But you know, since it was a dragon and all, I thought maybe it was best not to question its motives. Now that I have read this though, I guess next time I see it I'll talk to the authorities

  2. @Matt
    Hello? I think I can hear you! There's some pretty sweet acoustics in here actually. I'm trying to set up a signal light that will show a shadow of the words: "Get me the fuck out of here!" on the dragon's belly. If you see that dragon, please kill it!

